Appendix D Datadog Integration with N2WS

In this section, you will learn how to integrate Datadog with N2WS.

N2WS Backup & Recovery Instance is now supporting the monitoring of backups, DR, copy to S3, alerts, and more by Datadog. Datadog is a monitoring service for cloud-scale applications, providing monitoring of servers, databases, tools, and services, through a SaaS-based data analytics platform. Datadog will allow CPM users to monitor and analyze the N2WS Backup & Recovery Dashboard metrics.

D.1 Activating Datadog and Monitoring N2WS

Use the following procedure to activate Datadog. Ready-made dashboards for monitoring are included.

To activate the service and to monitor your N2WS instance:

  1. Setup Datadog Account.

    Visit Datadog at and set up an account that fits your scale.


  2. Install Python Integration.

    a. Login to Datadog and go to Integrations > Integrations.

    b. Search for โ€˜Pythonโ€™ and install it:

c. Search for 'N2WS' and install it. See step 6.

3. Enable Datadog support on N2WS Instance. a. Connect to your N2WS Backup & Recovery Instance with SSH Client. b. Type sudo su. c. Add the following lines to /cpmdata/conf/cpmserver.cfg:


If cpmserver.cfg doesn't exist, create and add the above lines.

d. Run service apache2 restart.

4. Install Datadog Agent on N2WS Instance. a. Login to Datadog and go to Integrations > Agent > Ubuntu:

b. Copy the Agent โ€˜Use our easy one-step installโ€™ command line.

c. Connect to your N2WS Backup & Recovery Instance with SSH Client, type sudo su and run the agent Install command. d. Restart the Datadog Agent: sudo service datadog-agent restart

Datadog updates N2WS metrics hourly.

5. Setup Datadog Dashboard metrics. a. Log in to Datadog and go to Metrics > Explorer. b. In the Graph list, select your metrics. All N2WS metrics begin with cpm_ followed by <metric-name>.

c. In the Over list, select data. You can either select a specific user or the entire N2WS instance. All N2WS user data begins with cpm:user: followed by <user-name>.

6. Configure your Datadog dashboard by using the N2WS template or creating your own dashboards, and choose the data to monitor. a. To use the N2WS template, in Datadog Integrations at, search for the 'N2WS' tile and install it. You will get a variety of dashboards for your account. Dashboards are named 'N2WSBackup&Recovery-<dashboard_name[-version]>'. When dashboards are added for a new N2WS version, the dashboards will contain the version number, such as '3-2-0' and '4-0-0'. Version numbers indicate which dashboards are valid for versions going forward. b. To create a Datadog dashboard: i. Go to Dashboards and select New Dashboard.

ii. Add a graph type by dragging and dropping its template to the dashboard:

iii. Edit the graph for the data to be monitored:

iv. Save the graph settings.

7. View N2WS Alerts on Datadog Events. a. Log in to Datadog and go to Events. b. View your instance alerts:

D.2 Monitoring N2WS with Web Proxy

If you have restricted outbound traffic, you can proxy all Datadog Agent traffic through different hosts.

  1. Connect to your N2WS Backup & Recovery Instance with SSH Client.

cd /etc/datadog-agent

2. Enable proxy: section on datadog.yaml. 3. Add your proxy IP, port, username, and password:

https: "http://your-proxy-IP:your-proxy-port"    
http: "http://your-proxy-IP:your-proxy-port"

4. Validate datadog.yaml on



For additional proxy configuration options, see

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